
About Me

"dhi" in Sanskrit means mind/thought. Painting has been my life since the time I have gained self awareness. I am a strong believer that the artwork in a room Energizes one's consciousness.

Art is DEVOTION for me That..... I realised gradually over a span of time, whilst struggling between lucrative profession and financial challenges.

I love to introduce concept of Personalized art work which is based on the observers feel and connect.I like to use my soft skills to observe & study all the details of the subject before putting it on board.Patron's Happiness and satisfaction is my Motivation.I love to work with various materials and mediums. My clients love me the way I put thought,efforts and my soul in making their Artwork and that brings me finding of this organization "dhi soulful art".

-Dishali Patel


dhi soulful art


To connect and touch more and more lives via medium of Art


To make it a global art curating studio and facilitate its purpose to reach out maximum people


To inspire young, upcoming & less fortunate artists; provide them means to acheive there dream thus neutralising the cliche " Artists dont earn"

Art with D

Customized art with singular involvement of the founder during conceptualization & designing, creating stunning array of artworks and installations.